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Executive Committee 

Vivian Drayton, MSW, LSW, President


Clarence Nelson, MSW, LSW, Vice President


Lois Hayman El, MSW, Recording Secretary


Barbara Davis, MSW, Tamar Riley,  MSW,  Corresponding Secretary


Selena Johnson, MSW, Treasurer


Julius Hayes, MSS/MLSP, LSW,  National Steering Committee Representative


Julianne James, MSW, LSW, Aging Committee Chair


Tamar Riley, MSW, LSW, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service Chair


Dr. Virginia Smith, PhD, ACSW, LSW, Conference Committee  Co-Chair


Deborah McMillan, MSW, Conference Committee Co-Chair



Onaje Muid, MSW, LMHC, CASAC, FDCL, Constitution and By-Laws Committee Chair


​, MSW, Fundraising Committee Chair


​L. Garnett, MSW, LSW, Hospitality Committee Chair


​Aisha McMullin, MSW, Membership Committee Chair


​Lisa Christian, MSW, Social and Professional Development Committee Co-Chair


​, MSW, Social and Professional Development Committee Co-Chair


​Verdell Ganges, MSS, Member-at-Large


Thaddeus P. Mathis, PhD, MA, MSS, Chapter Elder

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